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FREE DOWNLOAD | New Normal e-Class Record Grades 1-10

Distance learning as part of new normal have proven to be a challenging endeavor to the whole education community.

These NEW NORMAL E-CLASS RECORD Grades 1-10 were made with love by a teacher who want to offer help and ease your workload. 

We encourage you to show support with us by visiting this site more often. Our efforts shall be rewarded with your little effort of browsing through the ads (its part of us now), not skipping through them, this way you help us in turn in your simple ways.

Small efforts when put together comes down to big effect. We really appreciate you for following this site and may you blessed a thousand fold for being a blessing to others. Keep on sharing!

Please download your copies.


Grade 1    -    DOWNLOAD

Grade 2    -    DOWNLOAD

Grade 3    -    DOWNLOAD

Grade 4-6    -    DOWNLOAD

Grade 7-10     -    DOWNLOAD

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