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Enhanced Teacher Induction Program (TIP) Course Books

 Enhanced Teacher Induction Program (TIP) Course Books

The Teacher Induction Program (TIP) is institutionalized to provide a systematic and comprehensive support system for the newly hired teachers in order to seamlessly immerse them in the teaching profession in the public school system.

FREE DOWNLOAD Enhanced Teacher Induction Program (TIP) Course Books

An M&E form template is included in the TIP package

Guide Introduction-to-TIP - DOWNLOAD

Course 1: The DepEd Teacher- DOWNLOAD

Course 2 – Professional Responsibilities- DOWNLOAD

Course 3 - The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers and its Aligned Systems and Tools- DOWNLOAD

Course 4  - Responding to Community Contexts - DOWNLOAD

Course 5 - The DepEd Teacher - DOWNLOAD

Course 6 - Teachers’ Professional and Personal Development- DOWNLOAD

At the end of the TIP, new teachers are expected to:

  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Department of Education—its vision, mission, goals, and strategic directions; systems and processes; school policies and procedures—and teacher rights and responsibilities;
  • articulate and apply knowledge, skills, attitude, and values (KSAVs) required of teachers as specified in the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) and DepEd Core Values; and
  • improve practice towards career advancement based on set professional development goals.

  The program is for all newly hired teachers in DepEd. The profile of these new teachers is as follows:

  • Fresh graduates from teacher education institutions (TEIs)
  • Education graduates without teaching experience
  • Non-education graduates and/or professionals
  • Non-education graduates who took the Certification in Teaching Program (CTP)
  • Teachers from private schools
  • Other cases (such as those who have worked for DepEd offices and are now shifting to teaching, teachers who have applied for a leave of absence but would like to return to teaching, etc.)


The TIP framework comprises three components:

  • The ‘Curriculum’ inducts teachers into DepEd, builds their KSAVs, and supports career advancement.
  • The ‘Delivery’ provides teachers with a multi-modal delivery platform that supports the curriculum.
  • The ‘Ecosystem’ enables harmonized and dynamic cooperation within linkages and resources.

The TIP components are elaborated below:

1. The curriculum supports induction and career advancement of teachers through PPST-aligned courses that:

  • Promote contextualized and responsive understanding of the PPST
  • Support the principles of inclusive education and self-directed learning
  • Utilize a scenario-based approach towards a more meaningful completion of the TIP courses

2. The delivery helps teachers towards building a community of practice via self-directed, participatory, and multiple modalities. Among the learning platforms are:

  • Learning Action Cells (LAC)
  • Job-embedded Learning (JEL)
  • Online and print-based learning
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Teacher conferences

3. The ecosystem facilitates an integrative and harmonized professional learning ecosystem for the induction of newly hired teachers.

  • Strengthened linkages and harmonized resources
  • Dynamic professional learning
  • Curriculum Approach and Course Offering

The TIP makes use of the scenario-based approach which:

  1. Promotes contextualized understanding of the PPST
  2. Supports the principles of adult learning
  3. Facilitates problem-based learning
  4. Facilitates practical classroom application

The TIP has 6 courses that support all newly hired teachers to become more familiar with:

  • Relevant laws; DepEd’s vision, mission, and core values; organizational structure
  • DepEd calendar, administrative guidelines, processes, routines, lesson planning, classroom management, and standardized forms
  • Expected teacher practice based on the PPST and PPST-aligned systems and tools
  • Implementation of the K to 12 curriculum
  • Professional engagement with the wider education community
  • Practices toward teacher well-being, guidelines, processes, and required levels of practice for career progression

These courses will be available in both print and online versions (through a Learning Management System and/ or mobile application to provide a range of learning opportunities that will match the available resources.

Guide for the Newly hired Teachers Answering the coursebook

  1.  The TIP coursebooks are designed to be self-paced. Although you will be given deadlines on when you should accomplish a course, you have control over when you are most comfortable to accomplish them.
  2. The estimated time required and the list of required tasks per module are provided to help you plan or  budget the time that you are allotting for the module. You need not finish one course or one module in one sitting. Moreover, you may actually take less or more time depending on your pace.
  3.  Required resources and optional readings are listed at the beginning of each module. Link to the  repository of resources is provided.
  4. The coursebooks have required and optional tasks. You should answer the required tasks as they are designed to help you better understand the key topics and, sometimes, provide opportunities for  you to apply your learning. Optional tasks enable you to explore the topics more to enrich your  understanding. Some required tasks involve outputs to be compiled in your TIP portfolio.
  5. The coursebooks have a variety of activities which may be accomplished through 

        i) individual work; 

        ii) collaboration with co-newly hired teachers;

        iii) session with the mentor; or iv) learning action cells (LAC). It is recommended that you and your  mentor establish a schedule for your TIP catch-up or mentoring session and also for your LAC session  with other newly hired teachers in the school

  1.  Depending on your agreed schedule, your coursebook will be checked by your mentor tomonitor your progress, provide you with inputs, and answer possible concerns that you may have.
  2. After checking your coursebook, the mentor will give you the link to the summative assessment to be taken online.

Answering the summative test

  1. You need to score at least 80% or 12 or above in the 15-item quiz.
  2. After taking the quiz, take a screenshot of the window showing the course number, your name, and your score.
  3. If you fail to get the required score, you must report to your mentor so they could help you review in preparation for the retake. You need to get a passing score before you can proceed with the next course.
  4.  Upon completion of the summative assessment with a passing score, include the screenshot as proof of your score in the portfolio and then submit it to your mentor.

Preparing the TIP Portfolio

  1. The TIP portfolio is a compilation of all the portfolio outputs required for each course. The number of outputs varies from one course to another. This will serve as a final requirement for the course  completion. It also includes your summative assessment proof of score.
  2. The portfolio may either be a physical compilation or an e-portfolio, as agreed upon by your school management or with your mentor.\ At the end of each course, the mentor checks the portfolio outputs and then verifies and records the summative assessment score.\Your mentor will sign a form certifying your completion of the course. Compile these in the  portfolio. These will be part of your requirements for the TIP Year 1 completion.

Course and TIP Year 1 Completion

  1. The mentor will certify your completion of the course by accomplishing a form stating that you  have accomplished the coursebook and submitted your portfolio which contains the portfolio outputs  and summative assessment screenshot proving you got a score of 80% or above.
  2. The mentor will give you the signed certificate of course completion. Keep this in your portfolio. Your mentor will also give you a copy/link to the next TIP Coursebook to be accomplished\\At the end of TIP Year 1, your portfolio should contain the following:

  • a. Portfolio Outputs from Courses 1-6
  • b. Courses 1-6 summative assessment proof of score (screenshot at the end of taking the online quiz showing your name, course number, and score)
  • c. Courses 1-6 Certificates of Completion

Guide for TIP Mentors

Coaching and Mentoring the Newly Hired Teacher Mentors play an important role to ensure that the newly hired teachers are well-guided on how to accomplish the TIP. 

Below are some reminders for mentors on what to do before the newly hired teachers start answering the coursebooks:

  1. Ensure that the newly hired teacher was able to attend the TIP Orientation. Ask them if they havequeries and clarifications. If the newly hired teacher was not able to attend the orientation for all newly hired teachers, the mentor shall have a session with him/her for an orientation.
  2. Set an agreement with the newly hired teacher and possibly with other mentors and other newly hired teachers on when to have a TIP catch-up/coaching and mentoring session/LAC.

For example, newly hired teachers and mentors may agree to meet twice a month (for example,every 15th and 30th), or every time the newly hired teacher finishes a session or module. A LAC session for TIP catch-up or discussion of some topics from the TIP could be scheduled once a month or once all newly hired teachers in the school are done with one course. This could serve as a culminating activity.

The TIP coursebooks are designed to be self-paced. The role of the mentor is to guide the newly hired teacher in answering the coursebook by:

  1. regularly checking on their progress;\offering to answer questions and provide clarifications to concerns, if any;\providing resources like sample documents, related readings, and other materials to help newly hired teachers relate their learnings from the sourcebook with actual tasks and scenarios in the school; and
  2. checking and discussing responses to activities in the coursebook.

A separate Mentor’s Copy coursebook with key to corrections will be provided to the mentors to help them better guide the newly hired teachers as they go through the sourcebooks.

Checking Progress and Certifying Course Completion

The newly hired teachers need to accomplish the following to complete the course: 

i) answer the sourcebook; 

ii) pass the summative assessment quiz; and 

iii) submit portfolio output. 

To complete the Teacher Induction Program, they need to submit the TIP portfolio.

Checking the Coursebook

  1.  Depending on the agreed schedule, the mentor progressively checks the coursebook. Tasks are not given scores; rather, the mentor reads through the newly hired teacher’s answers to:

  • a. check progress and remind them of the deadline to complete the course;
  • b. check the newly hired teacher’s understanding of the key topics/session/module/course;
  • c. identify possible challenges that the newly hired teacher is going through, and also their strengths which the mentor could help further develop; and
  • d. provide inputs, especially those which will be helpful for the newly hired teachers to relate what they learned from the coursebook to real school scenarios.

  1. The mentor certifies completion of the coursebook by signing a form which indicates that the newly  hired teacher has gone through all the required tasks in the course.
  2. The mentor reminds the newly hired teacher to compile the portfolio outputs and accomplish the  summative assessment online.

Assisting newly hired Teachers Who Did Not Get 80% Score on the Course Summative Assessment

Newly hired teachers need to score 12 or above in the summative assessment quiz to be able to move to the next course. If a newly hired teacher fails to get a passing score, the mentor is expected to provide interventions in the form of a review or a mentoring session to discuss the quiz result and feedback and provide clarifications, if any. The mentor then provides another link for a new set of summative quiz.

Mentors should coordinate with the school head or TIP Division Coordinator for a link to the summative quizzes.

Checking the Portfolio

At the end of each course, the TIP portfolio should contain the following:

a. Portfolio outputs

b. Summative assessment proof of score (screenshot at the end of taking the online 

quiz showing newly hired teacher’s  name, course number, and score)

1. The mentor checks the portfolio outputs submitted. 

These outputs are not given ratings, but are checked by the mentor to serve as one of the final 

requirements for course completion.

2. The mentor records the summative assessment score in the M&E form.

3. The mentor then signs the certification of course completion and asks the school head to sign as 


4. The form is then given to the newly hired teacher, prompting that he/she could already proceed to the 

next course. The mentor then gives the link/copy of the next coursebook.

At the end of the first year of the TIP, the portfolio should contain:

a. certificates of completion for the six TIP courses

b. portfolio outputs for all six courses

c. summative assessment proof of score for all six courses

Monitoring and Evaluation of the Teacher Induction Program

Aside from coaching, mentoring, and monitoring the progress of newly hired teachers, mentors are also expected to regularly report to the school head on progress updates, challenges encountered in the conduct of the TIP, and other concerns. The school head then reports to the TIP Division 

Coordinators who also submit reports and updates to the NEAP-Regional (R) Office.

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