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ENSURING CONTINUITY OF LEARNING IN ECCD: A Webinar on Inclusive Early Childhood Care and Development from SEAMEO InnoTech and DepEd | May 17, 2022 | Register here!

 In this post, we are delighted to share with you the upcoming Free International Webinar for Educators by SEAMEO Innotech and the Department of Education. 

Here's the announcement from SEAMEO Innotech.

A child’s formative years, ages 0 to 8, is crucial to a person’s holistic growth. . These early years in a child’s life contribute to their ability to learn and pose significant impact in their adult life. It is also during these years when a child is greatly influenced by their environment and the people around them.Achieving inclusive early childhood care and development is a complex challenge. The barriers to ECCD have been further heightened due to the recent pandemic.

This webinar will emphasize the importance of ECCD and will provide a space for teachers and parents to learn together as they work together to ensure an inclusive, joyful, and meaningful learning experience for young learners.

Join us this 17 May 2022, 2 pm (GMT+8) for the “ENSURING CONTINUITY OF LEARNING IN ECCD: A Webinar on Inclusive Early Childhood Care and Development.”

Register as a Zoom participant* here: 

This event is done in collaboration with SEAMEO CECCEP and the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Council of the Philippines.

*Limited slots only

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