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DepEd wants in-person Remedial Summer Class

DepEd wants in-person Remedial Summer Class 

 End-of-school-year classes will cover both remedial and enrichment classes, and will be offered to Grade 1 to 10 learners who failed in not more than two learning areas as well as Grade 1 to 11 learners who got a grade ranging from 75 to 79.

The Department of Education is encouraging face-to-face instruction for students who will undergo remedial and advancement classes for the end-of-school year (EOSY) break.

Under DepEd Order 25 dated June 7, the EOSY will be done from Monday to Friday.

“The delivery mode of instruction shall preferably be face-to-face, particularly for schools that have participated in the implementation of the progressive expansion of face-to-face classes,” the department order read.

It also amended the Implementing Guidelines on the Conduct of Remedial and Advancement Classes During Summer for the K-12 Education Program.

Parental consent shall be required for learners to participate in EOSY classes.

Hybrid learning, which combines face-to-face and modular or online instruction, shall also be offered, depending on the COVID-19 alert level of the area.

The DepEd will now use the term “EOSY” classes instead of the previous “summer” classes, as the schedule will now fall on July 24 to Aug. 12.

EOSY classes will cover both remedial and enrichment classes, and will be offered to Grade 1 to 10 learners who failed in not more than two learning areas as well as Grade 1 to 11 learners who got a grade ranging from 75 to 79.

These enrichment classes are part of the agency’s learning recovery plan to improve students’ level of attainment in the most essential learning competencies.

The order will be implemented in all public elementary and secondary schools nationwide.

Source: Onenews

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