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SDO with 5k Annual Local Allowance for Teaching and Non-teaching personnel

  SDO with 5k Annual Local Allowance for Teaching and Non-teaching personnel

ACT Bicol Press Statement.
June 08, 2022

We would like to give a high Salute and thanks to Our ACT Bicol Sorsogon City Coordinator Maam Narlyn J. Dechaves for the effort to sit as the Union Representative of Public School Teachers for the passage of the City Ordinance No. 006, s. 2022, "An Ordinance instituting an Annual Financial Incentives to All Public School Teachers and Non-Teaching Personnel in the City Of Sorsogon".

A minimum of Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00) shall be received by all personnel of public school system on the 16th day of December of every year.

After series of meetings and sessions,finally we were able to achieved one of our aspirations. An ordinance instituting an annual financial incentive.A lifetime benefit and legacy for Teaching and Non teaching personnel of Deped Sorsogon City. Thank you LGU Sorsogon City headed by our City Mayor Hon. Ma. Ester Hamor, Hon Francis Joven Laura, author of the said Ordinance, Honorable Nestor Baldon,Hon.Danilo Deladia and Hon.Ma.Teresa Perdigon, co -authors,Sds William Gando for supporting our endeavors.

Dios Mabalos.
Narlyn J. Dechavez

ACT and NOPti President
Sorsogon City

Oliver B. Lucenario
ACT Bicol, Regional President

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