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Solon wants DepEd to enhance English teaching in schools

Solon wants DepEd to enhance English teaching in schools

 Cebu Rep. Eduardo “Eddie” Gullas calls the Department of Education to boost the teaching of English in schools.

“We have to go all out in reinforcing English as the medium of instruction on all school levels,” Gullas said.

“DepEd should devote more funds to improve the English language skills of all classroom teachers,” he added.

Gulls made this statement as the nation celebrates International Day of Education as proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly.

“Our math and science manuals are in English, so learning becomes hard if the student has deficient English,” Gullas said.

He showed concern that in the recent Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), Grade 4 students in our country got the lowest scores among participants from 58 countries.

“Clearly, a student who cannot readily understand English will have difficulty solving math or physics problems couched in English,” Gullas said.

“Young Filipinos who fail to master English risk getting marginalized in the lucrative job markets of the future,” he warned.

Gullas mentioned that DepEd has yearly budget for in-service training to address the problem.

“If necessary, all our future professional teachers – those taking up Bachelor of Elementary Education and Bachelor of Secondary Education – should be required to take additional units in English, regardless of their area of concentration,” Gullas said.

“We must embrace English, which is the world’s lingua franca and the language business and technology. Our schools should enable young Filipinos to master the language,” he added.

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