School Year 2022-2023
Name: _______________________________________ Date:____________________
Grade &Section:_______________________________ Score:___________________
General Directions: Read the following questions thoroughly and choose the correct answer from the given choices. Write legibly the LETTER of your correct answer on the blank provided before each number.
______1. Which BEST explains why the Earth is not disk-shaped?
A. Stars are viewed differently when traveling north and south.
B. The shadow cast by Earth during a lunar eclipse is circular.
C. The shadow cast in two different cities during a solstice differed in length.
D. The only shape that cast a circular shadow in whatever direction is a sphere.
______2. Which of the following is an annual motion?
A. Moonrise C. Sunset
B. Eastward rise of stars D. Vernal equinox
______3. What astronomical event was NOT known to men before the advent of telescopes?
A. Solar eclipse C. Retrograde of Mars
B. Summer solstice D. Rotation of the Sun
______4. Which aided Eratosthenes in measuring the Earth’s circumference?
A. The appearance of stars differs when travelling from north to south.
B. The shadow cast within the Syene and Alexandria during the solstice.
C. A sphere is the only shape that cast a circular shadow in whatever direction.
D. The shadow cast by the Earth during a lunar eclipse is circular.
For nos. 5-6, choices are
A. Autumnal equinox C. Summer solstice
B. Eastward rise of stars D. Zodiac cycle
______5. What is a diurnal motion?
______6. Which does NOT involve the Sun’s ecliptic path?
For nos. 7-10, choices are:
A. All planets revolve around the sun in an elliptical orbit.
B. Any point in the closed curved is equidistant to the two foci.
C. Planets move fastest in the elliptical orbit when nearest to the sun.
D. The length of a planet’s revolution in the Sun is proportional to its orbit’s size.
______7. Which describes the law of ellipse?
______8. Which describes the law of harmony?
______9. Which describes the law of equal areas?
______10. Which explains the difference in the orbital period of Earth and Saturn?
For nos. 11-15, choices are:
A. Copernican C. Ptolemaic
B. Keplerian D. Tychonic
______11. Which presents a system with elliptical orbit?
______12. Which presents a heliocentric model of the universe?
______13. Which presents a geo-heliocentric model of the solar system?
______14. Which attributes retrograde motion of the planets to epicycles?
______15. Which states that a planet moves fastest when it is nearest to the sun?
______16. Which BEST explains why the Earth is not disk-shaped?
A. Stars are viewed differently when traveling north and south.
B. The shadow cast by the Earth during a lunar eclipse is circular.
C. The shadows cast in two different cities during a solstice differed in length.
D. The only shape that cast a circular shadow in whatever direction is a sphere.
______17. Which of the following is an annual motion?
A. Moonrise C. Sunset
B. Eastward rise of stars D. Vernal equinox
______18. What astronomical event was NOT known to men before the advent of telescopes?
A. Solar eclipse C. Retrograde of Mars
B. Summer solstice D. Rotation of the Sun
______19. Which aided Eratosthenes in measuring the Earth’s circumference?
A. The appearance of stars differs as when traveling north and south.
B. The shadows cast within the Syene and Alexandria during the solstice.
C. The sphere is the only shape that casts a circular shadow in whatever direction.
D. The shadow casts by the Earth during a lunar eclipse is circular
For nos. 20-21, choices are
A. Autumnal equinox C. Summer solstice
B. Eastward rise of stars D. Zodiac cycle
______20. What is a diurnal motion?
______21. Which does NOT involve the Sun’s ecliptic path?
For nos. 22-25, choices are:
E. All planets revolve around the sun in an elliptical orbit.
F. Any point in the closed curved is equidistant to the two foci.
G. Planets move fastest in the elliptical orbit when nearest to the sun.
H. The length of a planet’s revolution in the Sun is proportional to its orbit’s size.
______22. Which describes the law of ellipse?
______23. Which describes the law of harmony?
______24. Which describes the law of equal areas?
______25. Which explains the difference in the orbital period of Earth and Saturn?
For nos. 26-30, choices are:
A. Copernican C. Ptolemaic
B. Keplerian D. Tychonic
______26. Which presents a system with elliptical orbit?
______27. Which presents a heliocentric model of the universe?
______28. Which presents a geo-heliocentric model of the solar system?
______29. Which attributes retrograde motion of the planets to epicycles?
______30. Which states that a planet moves fastest when it is nearest to the sun?
______31. Which of the following is TRUE about Galileo’s assertion about free - falling bodies?
A. Bodies will fall on the surface of the Earth at a constant acceleration.
B. Bodies will fall on the surface of the Earth at a constant speed.
C. Bodies will fall on the surface of the Earth at a constant velocity.
D. Bodies will fall on the surface of the Earth at a constant projectile.
______32. Which of the following is NOT considered part of Aristotelian’s natural motion?
A. A book resting on top of a table C. An apple falling from a tree
B. Pushing a cart D. Smoke naturally rises
______33. Which of the following is NOT an assertion of Galileo?
A. A body that is in uniform motion will move a distance that is proportional to the time
it will take to travel.
B. A uniformly accelerating body will travel at a speed proportional to time.
C. An object in motion will keep moving; and the external force is not necessary to
maintain the motion.
D. A body will fall on the surface of the Earth at a constant speed.
______34. Which of the following is TRUE about Aristotle’s assertion about vertical motion?
A. The distance of a body is inversely proportional to the time it covers to travel a
certain height.
B. The mass of a body is inversely proportional to the time it covers to travel a certain
C. The acceleration of a body is inversely proportional to the time it covers to travel a
certain height.
D. The velocity of a body is inversely proportional to the time it covers to travel a
certain height.
______35. Which of the following is TRUE about inertia based on Galileo’s conception?
A. Inertia is responsible for bringing a body to motion.
B. Inertia is responsible for the continuous acceleration of a body.
C. The amount of inertia of a body is directly proportional to its mass.
D. The amount of inertia of a body is inversely proportional to its mass.
______36. Rising of smoke is an example of what type of motion according to Aristotle?
A. Natural C. Reaction
B. Normal D. Violent
______37. Which of the following is needed to put a body to rest?
A. Inertia C. Gravity
B. Force D. Mass
______38. The resistance of a medium in response to movement of a body is known as;
A. Antiperistasis C. Inertia
B. Force D. Gravity
______39. What will happen if an external force is acted upon a body at rest?
A. It will move C. Nothing will happen
B. It will not move D. It will remain in motion
______40. What will happen to the acceleration of the body if a marble moves in a sloped downward plane?
A. Accelerates C. Nothing
B. Decelerates D. Not determined
______41. What do you call a phenomenon by which the incident light falling on the surface is sent back into the same medium?
A. Absorption C. Reflection
B. Polarization2 D. Refraction
______42. What angle is formed by an incoming ray with the normal?
A. Angle of incidence C. Angle of refraction
B. Angle of reflection D. Angle of equivalence
______43. Which statement correctly describes the “Law of reflection”?
A. The angle of reflection is perpendicular to the normal.
B. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
C. The angle of reflection is parallel to the angle of incidence
D. Both the angle of incidence and reflection lie in different planes.
______44. What type of reflection is produced by rough surfaces?
A. Diffuse reflection C. Specular reflection
B. Dispersion D. Total internal reflection
______45. Which of the following best describes a Normal line?
A. The path is taken by the rays of light as it approaches the surface
B. Line parallel to the incident and reflected ray
C. The total distance traveled by light upon reflecting
D. An imaginary line is drawn perpendicular to the reflecting surface
______46. Which of the following pairs perfectly describe the reflection produced by a smooth surface?
A. Diffuse reflection: clear and precise
B. Specular reflection: clear and precise
C. Diffuse reflection: not clear and vague
D. Specular reflection: not clear and vague
______47. An incoming ray of light strikes the mirror at an angle of 30˚ relative to the normal. What is the angle between the incident ray and the reflected ray?
A. 15 ˚ C. 60 ˚
B. 30 ˚ D. 90 ˚
_______48. A ray of light strikes a polished surface at an angle of 37˚. What is the angle of reflection and location of the reflected ray?
A. 37.0˚ on the same side with the incident ray
B. 37.0˚ on the other side of the normal line
C. 53.0˚ on the same side with the incident ray
D. 53.0˚ on the other side of the normal line
______49. Two flat mirrors are perpendicular to each other as shown in the figure. An incoming beam of light makes an angle of 15˚ with the first mirror. What angle will the outgoing beam make with the second mirror?
A. 15 ˚ C. 75 ˚
B. 30 ˚ D. 90 ˚
______50. The angle between a horizontal ruler and a vertical plane mirror is 30◦. What is the angle between the ruler and its image?
A. 15˚ C. 60˚
B. 30˚ D. 90˚
______51. What can be said of the image formed in the bulging reflecting surface of a spoon?
A. Virtual upright, and larger than the object
B. Virtual, inverted, and larger than the object
C Virtual, upright and smaller than the object
D. Virtual, inverted, and smaller than the object
______52. Where should the object be positioned to have a smaller and inverted image in a concave mirror?
A. At the focus
B. At the center of curvature
C. Beyond the center of curvature
D. Between the curvature and focus
______53. When you see a “wet spot” mirage on the road in front of you, what are you most likely seeing?
A. Sky C. Water
B. Hot air D. Fragment of your imagination
______54. White light goes through a filter that can absorb blue light; what color of light can pass through as perceived by an observer?
A. Blue C. Red
B. Green D. Yellow
______55. When green light shines on a red rose, why do the petals look black?
A. It absorbs green light C. It reflects green light
B. It reflects the color black D. It absorbs all the colors of light.
______56. For you to see a rainbow, where should the sun be positioned?
A. In front of you C. Behind you
B. On your left side D. On your right side
______57. Which is scattered by very small particles present in the atmosphere?
A. All wavelengths of light C. Smaller wavelength of light
B. Medium wavelength of light D. Larger wavelength of light
______58. Which explains why the sky is blue?
A. Blue light is not easily scattered by the atmosphere
B. Blue light is not easily absorbed by the atmosphere
C. Air molecules scatter blue light more readily than other colors
D. Blue light is reflected off the world’s oceans into the atmosphere
______59. Which explains why sunsets are red?
A. Air molecules scatter red light more readily than others
B. Red light is of shorter wavelength than other colors of light
C. Red light survives the absorption of the particles in the atmosphere
D. Red light is scattered the least and is transmitted the most in the atmosphere
______60. What do you call the colored spots of light that developed due to the refraction of light through ice crystals?
A. Halo C. Sunspot
B. Sundog D. Rainbow
______61. Which of the following supports the wave nature of electrons?
A. Blue light is used in a double-slit experiment.
B. X-rays are used in crystallization.
C. Water is heated to 1000C in a pot.
D. An electron enters a parallel plate capacitor which deflects the electrons downward.
______62. What is the importance of projecting electrons one at a time
in the conduct of the double-slit experiment?
A. The detector needs time to reset to detect the next electron.
B. The slits are too narrow to allow two electrons to pass at the same time.
C. This prevented the electrons from interacting with each other.
D. Time is needed to generate more electrons.
______63. Which will not happen to electrons based on the double-slit experiment?
A. They sometimes behave like waves and particles.
B. They split in half and go through both slits simultaneously.
C. They behave like particles, but they are waves.
D. They are both waves and particles at the same time.
______64. Which is seen on the screen detector in the electron double-slit experiment?
A. White bands C. Monochromatic light
B. Dark bands D. Alternating white and dark bands
______65. Which of the following observations in the double-slit experiment led to the conclusion that electrons behave like waves?
A. Electrons spread-out
B. Electrons form diffraction patterns
C. Electrons build up an interference pattern
D. Electrons remain at specific locations and build up a distribution pattern
______66. It best describes how waves behave when they occupy the same location at the same time?
A. A crest overlapping with a crest will constructively interfere to produce a smaller
B. A crest overlapping with a trough will constructively interfere to produce a smaller
C. A trough overlapping with a trough will constructively interfere to produce a bigger
D. A trough overlapping with a trough will destructively interfere to produce a bigger
______67. What color is bent the least during dispersion?
A. Red C. Orange
B. Blue D. Violet
______68. What are the components of a white light?
A. Red, blue, yellow C. Indigo, blue, violet
B. Magenta, cyan, yellow D. ROYGBIV colors
______69. What will happen if the crest of one wave will interfere constructively with the crest of the second wave?
A. It will produce a large upward displacement.
B. It will produce a large downward displacement.
C. The two waves will cancel out.
D. Nothing will happen.
______70. Which of the following is an indicator of interference?
A. Clear image C. Monochromatic light
B. Dark bands D. Alternating white and dark bands
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