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What's inside the ORAL COMMUNICATION  periodical exam?


School Year 2022-2023

Name: _______________________________________ Date:____________________


Grade &Section:_______________________________ Score:___________________


General Directions: Read the following questions thoroughly and choose the correct answer from the given choices. Write legibly the LETTER of your correct answer on the blank provided before each number.

______1. Noemi has memorized the “Panatang Makabayan” (Patriotic Oath) since her elementary             days. She always recites it during the morning ceremonies before the class starts. Reciting this oath is an example of this speech style.

                A. Consultative                                          C. Frozen

                B. Formal                                                   D. Intimate

______2. Marcus was tasked to give a message in a virtual moving-up ceremonies. The said             situation is an example of this speech style.

                A. Consultative                                           C. Frozen

                B. Formal                                                    D. Intimate

______3. These are the considerations in achieving communicative competence.

                a. speech context

                b. speech style

                c. speech act

                d. communicative strategies 

                A. a and b only                                           C. b and d only 

                B. a and c only                                           D. all of the above

______4. This is characterized by considering the kinds of audience and situations or environment in which the communication takes place.         

                A. Communicative strategy                        C. Speech context

                B. speech act                                             D. Speech style

______5. Every morning, Sarah faces the mirror and talks to herself asking what clothes to wear for the day, what food to eat and what things to do. This scenario is one of the many typical samples of this type of speech context.

                A. Interpersonal                                          C. Public

                B. Intrapersonal                                          D. all of the above

______6. This type of speech context requires interaction with a small number of individuals.

                 A. Interpersonal                                          C. Public        

                 B. Intrapersonal                                          D. All of the above 

______7. You were part of a student council campaign and were asked to prepare a 3-minute rebuttal speech on the issue of cyber-bullying. As an advocate, you spoke in front everybody during the meeting-de-avance. This scenario is one of the many types of this speech context.

                 A. Interpersonal                                           C. Public

                 B. Intrapersonal                                           D. All of the above

______8. This type of speech style occurs between and among family members.

                 A. Casual                                                     C. Formal

                 B. Consultative                                            D. Intimate

______9. This type of speech style happens between and among friends and acquaintances.

                 A. Casual                                                      C. Formal

                 B. Consultative                                             D. Intimate

______10. Danica asked Olivia, “Have you talked to Ms. De Leon about our project?” The possible perlocutionary effect of this question is shown in this act. 

                   A. Olivia gets upset with Danica for the reminder.

                   B. Danica urges Olivia to converse with Ms. De Leon. 

                   C. Ms. De Leon accepts Olivia and Danica’s project. 

                   D. Olivia approaches Ms. De Leon regarding the project.

______11. The teacher, due to modular distance learning delivery, has asked for the mobile numbers, email or social media accounts and other contact information of the students. The corresponding illocutionary act of the utterance, “May I have your contact details please?” is this.

                  A. Beg                                                        C. Insist

                  B. Demand                                                 D. Request

______12. This aspect of speech act refers to the utterance of the speaker to a specific situation for an intended discourse impact.

                   A. Illocutionary                                           C. Personality

                   B. Locutionary                                            D. Perlocutionary

______13. One day, Gina and Marissa saw one another along the corridors. Marissa smiled and waved her hand to Gina. Approaching, Gina said “Hi! How are you?” This communication strategy is exemplified here.

                   A. Nomination                                           C. Topic-shifting

                   B. Repair                                                   D. Turn-taking

______14. This is the communication strategy that allows a smooth transition or shift from one topic to another.

                  A. Nomination                                           C. Topic-shifting

                  B. Repair                                                   D. Turn-taking

______15. To ensure that the topic is fully discussed and clarified, Mr. Cortez, the facilitator, tries his best to stir the conversation strictly within the confines of the agenda. This communication strategy is employed here by Mr. Cortez.

                   A. Nomination                                            C. Topic-shifting

                   B. Repair                                                    D. Turn-taking

______16. The program’s master of ceremony stated, “We are about to start the program in less than a minute.” Identify the speech act used.

                   A. Illocutionary Act                                    C. Perlocutionary Act

                   B. Locutionary Act                                     D. None of the above

______17. The teacher called Drei to tell the answer for item number 5. Identify the speech act used.

                   A. Illocutionary Act                                    C. Perlocutionary Act

                   B. Locutionary Act                                     D. None of the above

______18. Thirdie asks his classmates to sit down. Identify the speech act used.

                    A. Illocutionary Act                                    C. Perlocutionary Act

                    B. Locutionary Act                                     D. None of the above

______19. ‘Ana, will you please lead the class in reciting the Patriotic Oath,” Ms. Sanchez said. Tell the classification of speech style used.

                    A. Casual                                                  C. Frozen

                    B. Consultative                                          D. Intimate

______20. “I promise to make up with you the next time,” Nica told her best friend Mary. Tell the classification of speech style used.

                   A. Casual                                                   C. Frozen

                   B. Consultative                                           D. Intimate

______21. “I regret not being there when you need someone to talk to.” Max said to his little brother, Bran. Tell the classification of speech style used.

                   A. Casual                                                  C. Frozen

                   B. Consultative                                          D. Intimate

______22. The delegates were grouped according to their interest and were given topics to discuss with their members during the convention. Identify the speech context.


                   A. Interpersonal                                         C. Mass Communication

                   B. Intrapersonal                                         D. Public Communication

______23. Spokesperson Harry Roque shared important information during the press briefing last Friday on national television. Identify the speech context.

                  A. Interpersonal                                         C. Mass Communication

                  B. Intrapersonal                                         D. Public Communication

______24. Alfred was invited as a resource speaker on Mental Health Awareness 2020 during the 3rd Annual Youth Convention in Sta. Cruz, Laguna. Identify the speech context.

                  A. Interpersonal                                         C. Mass Communication

                  B. Intrapersonal                                         D. Public Communication

______25. A couple officially announces their engagement to their immediate family during dinner. Identify the speech style used.

                  A. Casual                                                  C. Formal

                  B. Consultative                                          D. Intimate

______26. A group of student-delegates from Cebu conversed with their vernacular during the National Festival of Talents in Isabela. Identify the speech style used.

                  A. Casual                                                 C. Formal

                  B. Consultative                                         D. Intimate

______27. The magistrate gives his verdict to the accused after a series of court trials. Identify the speech style used.

                   A. Casual                                                  C. Formal

                   B. Consultative                                          D. Intimate

______28. Maria needs to leave the group chat for she still has some important tasks to do, so she typed “got to go, bye”. Identify the communicative strategy used.

                  A. Nomination                                           C. Topic Shifting

                  B. Terminating                                           D. Turn-Taking

______29. Teacher Mercy gave each student a chance to speak during the presentation, one at a time. Identify the communicative strategy used.

                  A. Nomination                                           C. Topic Shifting

                  B. Terminating                                           D. Turn-Taking

______30. The teacher introduced a new lesson after giving a review of the previous discussion. Identify the communicative strategy used.

                  A. Nomination                                           C. Topic Shifting

                  B. Terminating                                           D. Turn-Taking

______31. Which is NOT a reason for doing audience profiling? 

                  A. It will help the speaker limit the content.

                  B. It will help the speaker make an impressive speech.

                  C. It will help the speaker identify the language to be used during the delivery.

                  D. It will help the speaker discover information in order to connect with the audience.

______32. What function of a good introduction is evident when a speaker tells a joke or an anecdote or a powerful statement?

                  A. Establish credibility                                C. Preview main idea

                  B. Gain audience attention                         D.State the purpose of the speech



______33. What function of introduction is used when a speaker shows the audience that he is reliable and trustworthy to discuss the topic?

                   A. Establish credibility                                C. Preview main idea

                   B. Gain audience attention                         D. State the purpose of the speech


______34. What term denotes the smooth transition of one sentence to another or one paragraph to another?

                   A. Duration                                                  C. Logical organization

                   B. Grammatical correctness                        D. Word choice


______35. Which part of the speech provides summary of the main points of the speech?

                  A. Body                                                        C. Introduction

                  B. Conclusion                                              D. Thesis statement


______36. Which part of the speech reveals the goal of the speech?

                  A. Body                                                       C. Introduction

                  B. Conclusion                                              D. Thesis statement


______37. Which part of the speech uses definitions, concrete examples and testimonies?

                   A. Body                                                       C. Introduction

                   B. Conclusion                                              D. Thesis statement


______38. Which statement is NOT true about the body of the speech?

                   A. The most common number of key points is five.

                   B. The body of the speech is the core part of the speech.

                   C. If you have a long point in your speech, you will need to break that point into multiple points. 

                   D. If you have only one point in your speech, it will either be too short, or too complicated for    the audience to understand.


______39. Which is NOT true about doing the conclusion?

                  A. Present a summary                              C. Provide key points of discussion

                  B. Repeat the key ideas presented           D. Signal the end of your speech


______40. What method of speech organization presents comparison and contrast of two or three points?

                  A. Chronological Order                             C. Comparison and Contrast order

                  B. Spatial Order                                        D. Problem-Solution Order


______41. What method of speech organization involves a discussion of both the cause and effect of an issue?

                   A. Causal Order                                       C. Spatial Order

                   B. Comparison and Contrast                   D. Chronological Order


______42. What method of speech organization is like going from one place to another, or from one direction to another?

                  A. Spatial Order                                       C. Chronological Order

                  B. Causal Order                                       D. Categorical Order


______43. What method of speech organization presents the idea in time order?

                  A. Causal Order                                       C. Categorical Order

                  B. Chronological Order                            D. Spatial Order


______44. Which group shows appropriate use of words?

                   I. Focus on the age-group of the audience so you can adjust.

                   II. Avoid redundancies, awkward, vague and unclear word.

                   III. Choose impressive words to be reliable.

                   IV. Do not use the word only because others are using it.

                   V. Replace general words with more specific ones.

                   VI. Use jargon and slang.

                   A. I, II, III           B. IV, V, VI         C. I, II, V       D. III, IV, VI




______45. Which pair can help a writer ensure that words are used correctly?

                   I. almanac                                 IV. dictionary

                   II. thesaurus                              V. journal

                   III. bibliography                         VI. encyclopedia

                   A. I and III           B. II and IV             C. III and V              D. IV and VI


______46. Which of the following components of speech writing requires you to look into the profile of your target audience?

                   A. Audience Analysis                              C. Data Gathering

                   B. Audience Evaluation                           D. Selecting a topic


______47. Which of the following components of speech writing refers to all the aspects of your writing that help the reader move smoothly from one sentence to the next, and from one paragraph to another?

                   A. Audience Analysis                               C. Logical Organization

                   B. Data Gathering                                    D. Sentence Construction


______48. Which of the following is NOT part of the five functions of good introduction?

                   A. Establish Credibility

                   B. Gain Audience Attention and Interest

                   C. Narrow down a topic

                   D. State the Purpose of your Speech


______49. Which of the following is NOT part of the common strategies in making


                   A. Present a summary.                           C. Repeat central idea for emphasis

                   B. Signal to end your speech                 D. Add another points to discuss.


______50. Which of the following parts of your speech provides a definition, examples, or any details that can help you deliver the purpose and the main idea of your speech?

                   A. Introduction                                        C. Conclusion

                   B. Body of the Speech                           D. Thesis statement


______51. Which among the following question is NOT part of audience analysis?

                   A. Who is the audience?

                   B. What does the audience know about the subject?

                   C. Why should they be interested?

                   D. What is their health status?


______52. Which statement is NOT true about the body of the speech?

                  A. The most common number of key points is five.

                  B. The body of the speech is the core part of the speech.

                  C. If you have a long point in your speech, you will need to break that point into multiple points. 

                  D. If you have only one point in your speech, it will either be too short, or too complicated 

                       for the audience to understand.


______53. Which of the following provides the correct logical arrangement of a speech?

                    I. Body      II. Conclusion       III. Introduction        IV. Ending

                   A. I, II, III and IV                                    C. III, I, and II

                   B. IV, III, II and I                                    D. I, II and III


______54. Which of the following methods of speech organization refers to historical or time approach (from past to the present) that presents ideas in time order?

                  A. Casual Oder                                      C. Comparison and Contrast

                  B. Chronological Order                          D. Spatial/Geographical Order


______55. Which of the following methods of speech organization involves a discussion of both cause and effect of an issue?

                  A. Casual Oder                                      C. Comparison and Contrast

                  B. Chronological Order                          D. Spatial/Geographical Order


______56. Which of the following methods of speech divides the topic into subtopics based on the importance or interest value or simply because the topic requires it?

                   A. Categorical/ Topical Oder                  C. Comparison and Contrast

                   B. Chronological Order                          D. Spatial/Geographical Order

______57. Which of the following methods of speech requires the speaker to go from one place to another, from one direction to another?

                  A. Categorical/ Topical Oder                 C. Comparison and Contrast

                  B. Chronological Order                         D. Spatial/Geographical Order


______58. Which of the following are transitional words for contradiction?

                  A. Moreover                                          C. Furthermore

                  B. However                                           D. Again


______59. Which of the following should be avoided in a written speech?

                  A. Jargons or technical terms specific only for a group of people

                  B. Redundancy or excessive repetition of words

                  C. Language inappropriate for the audience

                  D. All of the above


______60. Which of the following statements is NOT true about speech writing?

                  A. Speech writing is a recursive process.

                  B. Speech writing involves audience analysis.

                  C. Speech writing should take into consideration grammatical correctness.

                  D. Speech writing can be done without considering the time of delivery.


______61. Successful communication requires:

                  A. Understanding word-sentence relationships

                  B. Understanding word-sentence relationships and its speech acts

                  C. Letters A and B are true

                  D. Letters A and B are not true


______62. Presents a particular topic, clearly, truthfully and saying only relevant details.

                  A. Nomination                                   C. Turn-taking

                  B. Restriction                                    D. Termination


______63. It is a speech context where the speaker acts both as the sender and the receiver of the message.

                  A. Dyadic                                          C. Intrapersonal

                  B. Interpersonal                                D. Public


______64. It is communication that occurs between two people

                   A. Dyad                                            C. Mono 

                   B. Small group                                 D. Peer Group

______65. It refers to the distinctive way of communicating which consists of pattern of linguistic, vocal and nonverbal behaviors.

                  A. Speech Context                          C. Speech Act

                  B. Speech Style                               D. Speech Competence


______66. Which of the following situations need a consultative speech style?

                  A. A campaign speech delivery

                  B. Counseling session with the guidance counselor

                  C. A talk of encouragement for a son / daughter

                  D. A speech delivery of a president during a press conference


______67. Which of the following situations need a casual speech style?

                  A. A talk with a friend while jogging

                  B. Leading a prayer before meal

                  C. Oratorical speech delivery

                  D. A talk to a guidance counselor


______68. This style is private and occurs between or among close family members or individuals?

                  A. Consultative

                  B. Intimate

                  C. Formal

                  D. Frozen


______69. The following situations use formal speech style, except:


                 A. Inquiring at a hotel

                 B. Delivering an oratorical speech

                 C. A homily from a priest

                 D. A State of the Nation Address of the president


______70. This uses jargons, slang or the vernacular language

                  A. Casual                                          C. Frozen

                  B. Consultative                                  D. Intimate


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