SECOND QUARTER EXAM in Practical Research 1
School Year 2022-2023
Name: _______________________________________ Date:____________________
Grade &Section:_______________________________ Score:___________________
General Directions: Read the following questions thoroughly and choose the correct answer from the given choices. Write legibly the LETTER of your correct answer on the blank provided before each number.
______1. It is a term used to refer to an analysis of man’s written or spoken knowledge to examine its connection to your research.
A. Studies of Literature C. Traditional Review of Literature
B. Related of literature D. Review of related literature
______2. If you are writing traditional Review of Related Literature (RRL), what type of traditional RRL should you use if you focus on the new research updates?
A. Expert Review C. Conceptual Review
B. Scoping Review D. State-of-the-Art
______3. It is a style of writing RRL in which you shorten the text, but the idea is still the same.
A. Paraphrasing C. Citing
B. Summarizing D. Rewriting
______4. In writing RRL, you have to follow the correct process. Provide the correct process of writing RRL by arranging the given processes below.
A. Search for literature C. Writing the Review of Literature
B. Writing a Draft of RRL D. Reading the Source Materials
______5. What transitional device are you going to use to connect these two findings of research: Aparejo (2019) found that 88% of Senior High School (SHS) teachers of Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School (GCCNHS) felt comfortable in using the school website in their form submission Calipusan ( 2018 ) study revealed 69% of Heavenly National High School teachers refused to use the latest mode of form submission and preferred the traditional way.
A. Likewise C. Similarly
B. However D. Additionally
______6. If you fail to cite the author in your related literature review, then you are likely to be charged of
A. Copyright Act C. Property right
B. Plagiarism act D. Ownership Act
______7. What basic method is used in this reference?
Carter C, Bishop J, & Kravits SL (2002). Keys to effective learning. (3rd.Ed.) New
Jersey: Printice Hall.
A. American Psychological Association (APA)
B. Chicago Style
C. Modern Language Association (MLA)
D. Chicago-Harvard Style
______8. What basic method is used in this reference style?
Carter C, Bishop J, Kravits SL. Keys to effective learning. (3rd.Ed.) New Jersey:
Printice Hall, December 2002.
A. American Psychological Association (APA)
B. Chicago Style
C. Modern Language Association (MLA)
D. Chicago-Harvard Style
______9. Your teacher has shown you an example of RRL following the protocol of writing it by acknowledging the intellectual right of the authors as he provides one – page list of references. What standard style in making citation he is using?
A. Acknowledgment C. In – Text Citation
B. References D. Standardization
______10. In searching for literature and studies online, most of the scholars and researchers advise all researchers to avoid citing information from one of the sources below. What source it is?
A. Encyclopedia C. Wikipedia
B. Books online D. Journals
______11. One of the characteristics of related materials for RRL is that surveyed materials must be .
A. Recent as possible C. less objective
B. Questionably clear D. over subjective
______12. Why we cite authors in our study?
A. To avoid the author C. to avoid plagiarism
B. To avoid publisher D. to avoid ethical standard
______13. What pattern of citation is used in the paragraph below?
Libertus, (2017) study indicated a significant language learning motivation increase over time. Only the Watchers, however, showed significantly higher motivation than the Readers in the end. Thus, “The use of commercial digital video games can help enhance high school students' language learning motivation”
A. Direct quotation C. summary
B. Long quotation D. to avoid ethical standard
______14. Which of the following is the purpose of RRL?
A. Inform your reader.
B. Save your reader’s time.
C. Persuade your reader
D. Gather and evaluate all the related available sources
______15. Whether you use MLA or APA style, your documentation should appear
A. Parenthetical citations give a shortened version of the full reference.
B. Both are needed for full and proper documentation.
C. Footnotes and endnotes are used for additional material only
D. Both documentation styles use parenthetical citations
______16. What kind of source if the material is obtained and published here in our country?
A. Local C. International
B. Philippines D. Foreign land
______17. Online sources in research writing becomes the trend of our today’s generation because
A. It is local. C. It is International.
B. It is easy to access. D. It is proper to do it.
______18. Which of the Abstract study or reference below you are likely to use in your review of related literature?
A. With author/s C. With year of publication
B. With no authors D. With author/s, year, and publication
______19. What type of review of literature and study organization this line below belongs?
Teenage pregnancy is a problem long before 1980 (Aljas, 1990) until in 1990
(Arawe, 1995) and getting worse in 2000 (Puray , 2020).
A. By authors C. By method
B. By publication D. By chronological
______20. In making link of a study, the beginning statement in the box indicates what type of statement?
This study contradicts or challenges the social cognitive theory (Pajares and Urdan, 2006) indicating that self-efficacy beliefs provide the foundation for human motivation, well-being, and personal accomplishment.
A. Agreement C. Disagreement
B. Neutral stand D. Both agreement and disagreement
______21. Upon reading the excerpt of literature below, which of the following you are going to do to change the review of related literature into by publication approach?
Van Voorhis (2001) and Simon (2001) found that regardless of students’ background or prior school achievement, involving parents in various ways had a positive impact on achievement, attendance, behavior, and course credits completed. Significantly, parental guidance and support of their adolescent students is critical to secondary students’ school and future success (Sanders & Epstein, 2000) as cited by Aparejo (2012).
A. Authors be in alphabetical order C. Themes be in specific order
B. Years be in hierarchical order D. Topics be in special order
______22. What is missing in this excerpt of literature review if the author insists, he is citing his source using long- direct quotation?
Aparejo (2020) concluded that most of SHS students at risk with learning disabilities have mild dyslexia, mild dyscalculia and mild dysgraphia. These students have suffered low general self-efficacy, low and lack of social self-efficacy and all of them have lack of self–esteem.
A. Use quotation marks C. Use parenthetical marks
B. Use of period D. Use of author
______23. What idea is not included in the content of review of literature and studies?
A. Introduction C. conclusion
B. Publication D. body
______24. It is a style of citation in which the researcher rewrites the original text in his own words which sometimes becomes longer than the original text.
A. Paraphrase C. Direct quotation
B. Summary D. Long direct quotation
______25. If you are to expose the confidential data from your respondents to your co–teachers without asking permission from the respondents, are you violating the
A. Ethical standard C. Plagiarism act
B. Unethical standard D. Copyright act
______26. It is a pattern of citation where all the authors, links and year of publications are being listed.
A. Website C. References
B. Books D. Reference materials
______27. What type of citation is presented below?
Aparejo, Calipusan & Brandino (2018) emphasized that web applications used in their study comprises of online enrolment, electronic forms, sectioning and many more applications.
A. Integral citation C. References
B. Non –integral citation D. Bibliography
______28. What type of citation is presented below?
Aparejo, Calipusan & Brandino (2018) concluded that web applications is considered an important innovation to improve the data management of SHS in GCCNHS.
A. Integral citation C. References
B. Non –integral citation D. Bibliography
______29. When you write a research paper, your goal is to
A. Inform your reader.
B. Save your reader time.
C. Motivate your reader to learn more about the subject.
D. Persuade your reader.
______30. Whether you use MLA or APA style, your documentation should appear
A. Parenthetical citations give a shortened version of the full reference.
B. Both are needed for full and proper documentation
C. Footnotes and endnotes are used for additional material only
D. Both documentation styles use parenthetical citations
______31. It is a process of structuring techniques and strategies that helps researchers solve their problems or answer their inquiry.
A. Research blueprint C. Research ethics
B. Research design D. Research proposal
______32. It is commonly used to elicit different ideas, opinions, or beliefs from the respondents.
A. Ethnography C. Case study
B. Grounded theory D. Phenomenology
______33. It is a set of characteristics representing the research variable.
A. Data C. Sample
B. Population D. Variable set
______34. It is a group of individuals that represents characteristics of a population.
A. Data C. Sample
B. Population D. Variable set
______35. This type of data collection method is used when the participants of the study are very young children and those with disabilities.
A. Observation C. FGD
B. Interview D. Document Review
______36. It is a form of interview wherein the researcher uses an interview schedule and a set of prepared questions, which are unchangeable, to ask from one respondent to another.
A. Unstructured interview C. Structured Interview
B. Semi-structured interview D. Group Interview
______37. Pedro uses convenience sampling to gather respondents for his research. Choose an explanation on how he can properly use this sampling technique.
A. Gather respondents who are readily available regardless of any criteria and
B. Ask his friends if they know someone who is willing to participate in his research
C. Use his friends as research respondents
D. Use a set of criteria and qualifications to be followed before selecting respondents
______38. As a researcher, how are you going to use phenomenology as an approach to a qualitative study about the people affected by typhoon Yolanda?
A. Ask the victims on their experiences during the typhoon
B. Look for historical data about instances where Yolanda survivors experienced
flooding in the past
C. Have an in-depth understanding on the socio-economic impact of typhoons
D. Formulate a theory
______39. Maya used an unstructured interview as her data gathering instrument for her research. What type of data do you think Maya will get from her respondents?
A. Answers that are straight to the point based on what is written on her interview
B. Answers that are conversation-like because her questions are based on her outline
C. Answers that are based on her interview questions and follow up answers that are
not found on her written questions
D. None of the Above
______40. What is the difference between naturalistic observation and non-naturalistic observation?
A. The difference is on how the researchers approach their respondent
B. The difference is on the type of environment that the subjects are to be observed
C. The difference is on the experience of the researcher based on the type of
D. There is no difference
______41. What type of data gathering instrument is best used for Ethnographic studies?
A. Observation C. FGD
B. Interview D. Questionnaire
______42. Which pair do not belong to the group of data gathering instruments for qualitative research?
A. Ethnography: Observation C. Historical Approach: Questionnaire
B. Grounded theory: Interview D. Phenomenology: Interview
______43. This type of qualitative inquiry involves studying a particular group or population in the natural setting or habitat.
A. Ethnography C. Case study
B. Grounded theory D. Phenomenology
______44. This type of qualitative inquiry describes the common meaning of several individuals’ lived experiences about a phenomenon.
A. Ethnography C. Case study
B. Grounded theory D. Phenomenology
______45. It refers to any procedure done to select samples.
A. Experimentation C. Sampling
B. Replication D. Treatment
______46. This type of sampling takes advantage of whatever is readily available in the environment.
A. Convenience sampling C. Opportunistic sampling
B. Snowball sampling D. Homogenous sampling
______47. This type of sampling is done by asking relevant people if they know somebody who is willing to participate in the study.
A. Convenience sampling C. Opportunistic sampling
B. Snowball sampling D. Homogenous sampling
______48. The following are considered as data gathering instrument EXCEPT:
A. Interviews C. Questionnaire
B. Observation D. Internet
______49. Sophia wants to study the behavior of baby pandas when placed in a controlled environment. What data gathering instrument will Sophia be using?
A. Observation C. FGD
B. Interview D. Questionnaire
______50. This type of data gathering instrument is used when the researcher personally asks
the respondents about the information they need.
A. Observation C. FGD
B. Interview D. Questionnaire
______51. The following are considered as data gathering instruments EXCEPT:
A. Interviews C. Questionnaire
B. Observation D. The internet
______52. This type of observation requires the researcher to be involved in the usual activities of the subjects that they are researching.
A. Naturalistic observation C. Non-naturalistic observation
B. Participative observation D. None of the above
______53. Steve distributed a data gathering instrument where respondents are requested to supply the necessary information in the blanks placed after each statement or question. What data gathering instrument is Steve using?
A. Observation C. Questionnaire
B. Interview D. Focus Group Discussions
______54. Sophia wants to study the behavior of baby pandas when placed in a controlled environment. What data gathering instrument will Sophia be using?
A. Observation C. Questionnaire
B. Interview D. Focus Group Discussions
______55. This type of data gathering instrument is used when the researcher personally asks the respondents about the information that the researcher needs.
A. Observation C. Questionnaire
B. Interview D. Focus Group Discussions
______56. This type of sampling takes advantage of whatever is readily available in their environment.
A. Convenience sampling C. Snowball sampling
B. Opportunistic sampling D. Homogenous sampling
______57. This type of data gathering instrument is used when the researcher personally asks the respondents about the information that they need.
A. Observation C. Focus Group Discussion
B. Interview D. Questionnaire
______58. It is a set of characteristics representing the research variable.
A. Data C. Population
B. Sample D. Variable set
______59. It is a group of individuals that represents that characteristic of a population.
A. Data C. Population
B. Sample D. Variable set
______60. It is a form of interview wherein the researcher uses an interview schedule and a set of prepared questions to ask from one respondent to another which is unchangeable.
A. Unstructured interview B. Structured Interview
C. Semi-structured interview D. Group Interview
______61. This type of data collection method is used when the study participants are very young children and those with disabilities.
A. Observation C. Focus Group Discussion
B. Interview D. Document Review
______62. Maya used an unstructured interview as her data gathering instrument for her research. Predict what type of data will Maya get from her respondents?
A. Answers that are straight to the point based on what is written on her interview
B. Answers that are conversation-like because her questions are based on her outline
C. Answers that are based on her interview questions and follow up answers that are not
found on her written questions
D. None of the Above
______63. What type of data gathering instrument is best used for Ethnographic studies?
A. Observation C. Focus Group Discussion
B. Interview D. Questionnaire
______64. Which does not belong to the pair of qualitative inquiry and data gathering instrument?
A. Ethnography: Observation C. Grounded theory: Interview
B. Historical Approach: Questionnaire D. Phenomenology: Interview
______65. Sophia wants to study the behavior of baby pandas when placed in a controlled environment. What data gathering instrument will Sophia be using?
A. Observation C. Focus Group Discussion
B. Interview D. Questionnaire
______66. As a researcher, how are you going to use phenomenology as an approach to a qualitative study about the survivors of typhoon Yolanda?
A. Ask the victims on their experiences during the typhoon
B. Look for historical data about instances where the survivors of Yolanda experienced
flooding in the past
C. Have an in-depth understanding on the socio-economic impact of typhoons
D. Formulate a theory
______67. This type of qualitative inquiry involves studying a particular group or population in the natural setting or habitat
A. Ethnography C. Case study
B. Grounded theory D. Phenomenology
______68. It is a process of structuring techniques and strategies that help researchers solve their problems or answer their inquiry
A. Research blueprint C. Research ethics
B. Research design D. Research proposal
______69. Pedro uses convenience sampling to gather respondents for his research. Choose an explanation on how he can properly use this sampling technique.
A. Gather respondents that are readily available regardless of any criteria and
B. Ask his friends if they someone that is willing to participate in his research
C. Use his friends as research respondents
D. Use a set of criteria and qualifications to be followed before selecting respondents
______70. It is commonly used to elicit different ideas, opinions, or beliefs from the respondents.
A. Ethnography C. Case study
B. Grounded theory D. Phenomenology
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