SECOND QUARTER EXAM in Reading and Writing
School Year 2022-2023
Name: _______________________________________ Date:____________________
Grade &Section:_______________________________ Score:___________________
General Directions: Read the following questions thoroughly and choose the correct answer from the given choices. Write legibly the LETTER of your correct answer on the blank provided before each number.
______1. Which statement expresses permission?
A. Can I go now?
B. I can go now.
______2. Which statement expresses moral obligation?
A. Parents should teach their children to obey older people.
B. Parents must teach their children to obey older people.
______3. Which statement expresses prohibition to do something?
A. You cannot drive the car.
B. I can help you with that.
______4. Which statement expresses the ability to do something?
A. I can wear a mask correctly.
B. I should wash my hands properly.
______5. Which statement expresses an obligation?
A. We must wear masks all the time.
B. We will wear masks all the time.
______6. ______ I have more cheese on my sandwich?
A. Can B. Must
______7. ______ you leave the room please?
A. Could B. May
______8. You ______ eat more vegetables. They are healthy for you.
A. Might B. Should
______9. I ______ like to buy the same table for my house.
A. Could B. Would
______10. ______ I have a piece of cake please?
A. May B. Must
______11. You ______ smoke near children.
A. Shouldn't B. Wouldn't
______12. People ______ wash their hands at all times.
A. May B. Must
______13. Always wear your mask, you ______ enter the office without it.
A. Cannot B.Wouldn't
______14. Students below 21 years old _____ stay home.
A. Must B. Would
______15. Children under 5 years old ______ swim without an adult.
A. have to B. must not
______16. You ought to call your uncle Ron.
A. This sentence uses ought to give advice.
B. This sentence uses ought to indicate your ability to call uncle Ron.
______17. Can we have dessert before dinner today?
A. The sentence uses can to talk about the future.
B. Can is being used here to ask permission.
______18. I must go to sleep by 9:00 if I want to wake up at 4:00.
A. Must means that it’s necessary for me to go to sleep by 9:00.
B. This sentence uses must to ask for permission.
______19. When she was little, Sarah could stand on her head, but she can’t anymore.
A. Could is used to indicate that Sarah wants permission to stand on her head.
B. Sarah had the ability to stand on her head.
______20. The weather is not good today; it might rain this afternoon.
A. There is a possible rain in the afternoon.
B. There will be no rain in the afternoon.
______21. It is a chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that is compulsive or difficult to control, despite harmful consequences.
A. Drug pusher C. Prostitution
B. Drug dependency D. Pornography
______22. This social issue has many consequences such as obesity, weakness or even worsened learning ability/poor academic performance and decreased interactions with other people.
A. Internet gaming disorder C. Bullying
B. Poverty D. Child trafficking
______23. The world population is growing larger every day, while the fertile soil of the earth is getting smaller, caused by human practices which do NOT include_______.
A. Overuse of soil during planting C. Cutting of trees
B. Overgrazing D. Sustainable education
______24.. These are poor or homeless young individuals who live outside or in unoccupied dwellings and wasteland, and who are inadequately protected or supervised.
A. LGBT C. Prostitutes
B. Squatters D. Street children
______25. It is an abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stronger, more powerful, etc.
A. Ageism C. Bullying
B. Corruption D. Poverty
______26. According to the 2017 survey study, some of the causes of ______________ are greed of money, desires, higher levels of market and political monopolization.
A. Unemployment C. Graft and Corruption
B. Drug addiction D. Political Dynasty
______27. It refers to the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school.
A. Slavery C. Child labor
B. Lack of education D. Violence
______28. This is another type of violence using our new technology which makes harassment easy because it provides anonymity to the coward.
A. Cyber-bullying C. Stereo typing
B. Bullying D. Homophobia
______29. This has existed throughout human history. It may be defined as the hatred of one person by another-or the belief that another person is less than human because of skin color, language, customs, etc.
A. Racism C. Ageism
B. Homophobia D. Gender inequality
______30. It is the complete lack of the means necessary to meet basic personal needs, such as food, clothing and shelter.
A. Unemployment C. poverty
B. Lack of education D. uneducated
______31. When it involves examining all parts of a novel, play, short story, or poem – it is called?
A. literary term C. literary devices
B. literary analysis D. literary expression
______32. Which of the following is not an example of literature?
A. text messages C. I am An African Child
B. comic books D. Bible
______33. The following are the 3 basic elements of literary analysis except
A. Theme C. Plot
B. Characters D. Review
______34. Theme is ______
A. Motif C. A & B
B. Main Idea D. None of the above
______35. ___________ the combination of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing
A. Person’s name C. Trends
B. Character D.Title
______36. Plot is _____________
A. A bed of soil to plant vegetables C. Place & time
B. Storyline D. All of the above
______37. A short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral/lesson is called
A. Fable C. Legend
B. Parable D. Myth
______38. A figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance
A. Simile C. Metaphor
B. Personification D. Onomatopoeia
______39. In a story or poem, a black bird often represents
A. Freedom C. Abundance
B. Death D. Peace
______40. A seed is often a metaphor of, except
A. Life C. Child
B. God’s Word D. Stone
______41.A representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another is__________.
A. Allegory C. Illusion
B. Imagination D. Dream
______42. Read the following sentence.
Friendship helps people get through hard times.
The sentence above is an example of a
A. Plot C. Main idea
B. Character D. Theme
______43. What is main idea?
A. the main character in a story
B the message about life that an author expresses
C. the sequence of events in a story
D. a description of what the story is mostly about
______44. Read the following passage from a story.
As Tammy strummed the guitar, Chloe looked at her with pride. For so long, Tammy's fingers had clumsily tripped over the strings, but now she played the song with ease. Getting to this point hadn't been easy for Chloe, either. She sighed, trying to bury the memories of all the screaming tantrums Tammy had thrown. Once, she nearly threw her guitar against a wall. But now when Tammy smiled, and the tune of "Sweet Home Alabama" floated out of the instrument, Chloe smiled, too. It had been worth it.
Which of the following is most likely a theme of the story?
A. Playing a musical instrument is too much work.
B. Hard work can bring great rewards.
C. Friends shouldn't try to teach each other new things.
D. It's OK to give up on yourself.
______45. Read the following sentences from a story. Choose the character trait that best describes Grandpa.
Grandpa was 85 years old and had gone through many experiences in his life. Everyone in Grandpa’s building went to him for advice. He always had the right answers. He helped people with their problems and gave them great recipes to try. “I’ve never met someone who knows as much as you do, Gramps!” exclaimed Simon.
A. Wise C. Magnificent
B. Fortunate D. Elegant
______46. What is the title of the literary piece we have just studied?
A. Bible C. Aesop’s Fable
B. The Parable of the Buried Treasure D. The Parable of the Sower
______47. The parable belongs to an example of literature called _________.
A. Qur’an C. Blog
B. Dictionary D. Bible
______48. The 4 types of soil described in the story are, except _______.
A. Marshland C. Thorny
B. Rocky D. Path
______49. The theme of the parable is __________.
A. Faith comes by hearing God’s Word
B. Watering the seed through Baptism and
C. Nourishing our hearts with God’s love
D. All of the above
______50. The character in the story that snatches the seeds in the heart of a man is_______.
A. The man himself C. The devil
B. God D. Neighbor
______51. The character in the parable that represents God is______.
A. Sower C. Sun
B. Birds D. Thorns
______52. A sower went into the field and scattered seeds which landed on four different types of soil.
What literary element does this sentence describe?
A. Point of view C. Sun
B. Plot D. Theme
______53. What is the news all about?
A. Duterte warns of new lockdown if Delta Variant causes surge in COVID 19 cases.
B. Economic lockdown among provinces.
C. The adverse effect of Delta Variant.
D. President Duterte’s 6th SONA( State of the Nation Address)
______54. What is the purpose of the news clip?
A. To inform C. To persuade
B.To entertain D. To encourage
______55. What makes it truthful?
A. it provides factual information C. it has a convincing broadcaster
B. it is from a well-known news site D. it presents prominent government officials.
______56. Which of the following makes the news relevant?
A. it states issues that are prevalent nowadays
B. it provides information the public needs
C. it contains pertinent answers on issues
D. All of the above
______57. It is a broad statement about a group of people or things.
A. Clue Words C. Signal Words
B. Generalization D. None of the above
______58. It is a statement that is supported by facts and uses logic and reasoning.
A. Clue Words C. Faulty Generalization
B. Generalization D. Valid Generalization
______59. It is a statement that gives a false generalization and is not supported by facts.
A. Clue Words C. Faulty Generalization
B. Generalization D. Valid Generalization
______60. This is a word that gives signal/clue to recognize generalization, except __________.
A. All C. Sometimes
B. Never D. Anyway
______61. This is an example of a generalization, except ____________.
A. Homework is very easy.
B. If you believe you can do it, you will always succeed.
C All success is brought about good luck.
D. I am a student.
______62. Most learners find English subject easy to learn. The statement is _________?
A. Generalization C. A fact
B. An opinio D. Faulty generalization
______63. Most people consider firefighters to be everyday heroes. The statement is ____?
A. generalization C. A fact
B. An opinion D. Faulty generalization
______64.. What is the signal word to prove this statement is invalid. All students can manage their time properly.
A. Students B. All C. Can D. Their
______65. What is the signal word in this generalization. All students often bring laptops in school.
A. Often B. Students C. In D. Bring
______66. The Chocolate Hills in Bohol is the best place to visit in the Philippines. The statement is _______?
A. Generalization C. A fact
B. An opinion D. faulty generalization
______67. Learning how to spell the words is easier than pronouncing it. The statement is ____?
A. Generalization C. A fact
B. An opinion D. Faulty generalization
______68. Which words signal a generalization?
A. Alike, different, same C. Is, are, was, were
B. This, that, those, these D. All, most, usually, never
______69. Professional singer are usually rich. The statement is ______?
A. Generalization C. A fact
B. An opinion D. Faulty generalization
______70. Teens don’t like to wake up before 7:00am. The statement is ______?
A. generalization C. an opinion
B. a fact D. faulty generalization
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