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FREE DOWNLOAD SECOND QUARTER EXAM in English for Academic and Professional Purposes School Year 2022-2023

FREE DOWNLOAD SECOND QUARTER EXAM in English for Academic and Professional Purposes School Year 2022-2023

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FREE DOWNLOAD SECOND QUARTER EXAM in English for Academic and Professional Purposes School Year 2022-2023

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SECOND QUARTER EXAM in English For Academic and Professional Purposes

School Year 2022-2023

Name: _______________________________________ Date:____________________


Grade &Section:_______________________________ Score:___________________


General Directions: Read the following questions thoroughly and choose the correct answer from the given choices. Write legibly the LETTER of your correct answer on the blank provided before each number.

______1. A position paper is sometimes called .

                A. Concept paper                                      C. Point of view paper

                B. Technical report                                    D. Critique paper

______2. The following are essential in writing the position paper, except

                A. Introduce the topic

                B. Provide background on the topic to explain why it is important

                C. Assert the thesis

                D. Provide explanation but not the evidence

______3. It is a one- sentence statement about the topic.

                A. Thesis                                                 C. Main idea 

                B. Argument                                            D. Introduction

______4. What source to use if you are doing introductory information and overviews?

                 A. Books, government reports               C. Newspapers, magazines

                 B. Academic journals                             D. Directories, encyclopedias, handbooks

______5. The following are asked to present a strong argument, except

                 A. Is it a real issue, with genuine controversy and uncertainty?

                 B. Can you identify at least two distinctive positions?

                 C. Is this a lengthy issue?

                 D. Are you personally interested in advocating one of these positions?

______6. It is a formal piece of writing based on research.

                A. Position paper                                    C. Survey report

                B. Writing a questionnaire                       D. Research paper

______7. A technique of gathering data by asking questions to people who are taught to have a desired information.

                A. Deductive method                              C. Questionnaire method

                B. Survey method                                   D. Research method

______8. The following are the guidelines in writing a survey report, except:

                A. Keeps it simple                                   C. Basic qualities of a good report

                B. Modes of ordering                               D. Value communicated

______9. If there is a big range in the data gathered, it is more useful to use data in a ______.

                A. Group frequency table                        C. Frequency data

                B. Tally data                                             D. None of the abovementioned

______10. It is a textual generalization, consisting of text and numbers.

                 A. Demand                                               C. Findings

                B. Summary                                               D. Writing

______11. In conducting a survey report it is important that the objective .

                 A. Not clear                                              C. Focused

                 B. Accurate                                               D. Readable

______12. What are you going to do with the data or information collected after conducting a survey?

                 A. It should be properly written

                 B. It should be properly documented before it could be disseminated

                 C. It should be properly organized before it could properly disseminate

                 D. None of the abovementioned

______13. Summarizing teaches students how to discern the most important ideas in a text.

                  A. Yes                                                      C. Maybe

                  B. No                                                        D. Not sure

______14. Which of the following structure state the aim/purpose of the report, when and how the report gathered?

                  A. Conclusion                                          C. Introduction

                  B. Main body                                            D. Content

______15. It is an alternative way to a frequency diagram.

                  A. Bar-line data                                        C. Pie chart                    

                  B. Bar-line graph 

______16. What do you call an academic paper that aims to present the stand of the author or a person on an issue? 

                  A. Concept paper                                     C. Essay 

                  B. Position paper                                      D. Journal 

______17. These are contents of a position paper, EXCEPT 

                  A. Thesis statement                                 C. Counterclaims

                  B. Arguments                                           D. Opinion 

______18. Which of the following should NOT be included in the introduction of a position paper?

                  A. Claims                                                 C. Topic 

                  B. Thesis statement                                 D. Background information 

______19. How many claims or arguments are necessar or ideal in defending a stand on an issue?        A. Two                                                      C. Four                             

                  B. Three                                                    D. One 

______20. This is the last part of a position paper that includes the restatement of the thesis statement, arguments and plan of action. 

                  A. Body                                                    C. Conclusion

                  B. Introduction                                          D. Claims 

______21. Each claim or argument of the writer should be supported with clear facts or evidence.     

                  A. True                                                    C. Never 

                  B. False                                                   D. All of the above 

______22. These are the claims of the opposite side or those who disagrees with the author’s/ person’s stand on the issue. 

                  A. Claims                                                C. Counterclaims

                 B. Opinions                                             D. Arguments 

______23. Before writing a position paper, is it necessary to check if the issue is real?

                  A. True                                                  C. Never

                  B. False                                                 D. All of the above 

______24. What other term can be used to refer to a position paper? 

                  A. Manifesto                                         C. Concept paper

                  B. Essay                                               D. Research 

______25. Which among the choices can be a source of evidence to strengthen one’s claims?

                  A. Statistics                                          C. Researches 

                  B.Journals                                            D. All of the above

______26. What is defined as a general view of someone or something?

                  A. Design                                            C. Tally

                  B. Survey                                            D. Table

______27. Which type of questions provides options and requires respondents to choose one answer?

                  A. Enumeration                                  C. Open-ended

                  B. Close-ended                                  D. None of the above

______28. Which type of questions allows respondents to express opinions freely?

                  A. Anumeration                                  C. Open-ended

                  B. Close-ended                                  D. None of the above

______29. Which of the following is a crucial step in the design of a questionnaire?

                  A. Pilot test                                        C. Replace

                  B. Revise                                           D. Make format

______30. Which method involves asking the respondents directly and personally?

                  A. Telephone survey                         C. Online survey

                  B. Face to face                                  D. Paper and pencil

______31. Which method can be used for consequential questions?

                  A. Telephone survey                         C. Online survey

                  B. Face to face                                  D. Paper and Pencil

______32. Which is a traditional survey administration method?

                  A. Telephone survey                         C. Online survey

                  B. Face to face                                  D. Paper and pencil

______33. Which method is ideal for huge sample size?

                  A. Telephone survey                         C. Online survey

                  B. Mail survey                                   D. Paper and pencil

______34. Which method is not as popular as they were due to lower response rates?

                  A. Telephone survey                         C. Online survey

                  B. Mail survey                                   D. Paper and pencil

______35. What study has a goal to determine what effect a particular treatment has on the outcome?

                  A. Survey                                          C. Experimental

                 B. Observational                                D. None of the above

______36. Which of the following is NOT part of a report?

                  A. Title                                              C. Appendices

                  B. Content                                        D. Survey

______37. Which tells the reader what the report is about?

                  A. Conclusion                                   C. Recommendations

                  B. Executive summary                     D. References/ bibliography

______38. Which tells what you think are the solutions to the problem?

                  A. Conclusion                                   C. Recommendations

                  B. Executive summary                     D. References/ bibliography

______39. Which part shows your analysis of the findings?

                  A. Conclusion                                   C. Recommendations

                  B. Executive summary                      D. References/ bibliography

______40. Which data are mainly represented by numbers?

                  A. Primary                                        C. Quantitative

                  B. Secondary                                   D. Qualitative

______41. Which data are mainly represented by words, sounds or images?

                  A. Primary                                        C. Quantitative

                  B. Secondary                                    D. Qualitative

______42. What is referred to as a collection of facts, observations, or just descriptions of things?

                  A. Data                                             C. References

                  B. Questions                                     D. Appendices

______43. What do you call the data that you have collected yourself?

                  A. Primary                                        C. Quantitative

                  B. Secondary                                   D. Qualitative

______44. Which of the following is a graphical display of data using bars of different heights?

                  A. Pie graph                                     C. Pictograph

                  B. Bar graph                                    D. Line graph

______45. Which of the following is a way of showing data using images?

                  A. Pie graph                                    C. Pictograph

                  B. Bar graph                                    D. Line graph

______46. It is a formal piece of writing based on research.

                  A. Position paper                            C. Survey report

                  B. Writing a questionnaire 

______47. A technique of gathering data by asking questions to people who are taught to

have a desired information.

                  A. Deductive method                     C. Questionnaire method

                  B. Survey method 

______48. The following are the guidelines in writing a survey report, except:

                  A. Keep it simple                           C. Basic qualities of a good report

                  B. Modes of ordering 

______49. What is the purpose of writing a survey report?

                  A. To have better report                C.To conduct a survey

                 B. To study a research topic thoroughly

______50. It is a textual generalization, consisting of text and numbers.

                  A. Demand                                    C. Findings

                  B. Summary                                  D. Writing

______51. In conducting a survey report it is important that the objective _____.

                  A. Not clear                                   C. Focused 

                  B. Accurate                                   D. Readable

______52. In writing a summary, what should not include?

                  A. Do not include your own comments or evaluation

                  B. The summary should not cover the original text as whole

                  C. The material should not be presented in a neutral fashion.

                  D. None of the above

______53. Summarizing teaches students how to discern the most important ideas in a text.

                  A. Yes                                           C. Maybe 

                  B. No                                            D. Not sure

______54. Which of the following structure state the aim/purpose of the report, when and how

the report gathered?

                  A. Conclusion                                C. Objective

                  B. Main body                                 D. Introduction

______55. It is where all the information collected and analyzed is presented clearly and in


                  A. Introduction                               C. Main body

                  B. Conclusion                                D. Objective

______56. What is a reading material that provides information that include concepts and

theories that are related to the specific discipline?

                  A. Academic Texts                         C. Research Paper

                  B. Dissertation                                D. Thesis Paper

______57. Which part of the structure of an Academic Text provides the reader with a clear idea

of the focus and aim of the text the topic of the essay/article will be presented?

                  A. Body                                         B. Conclusion

                  C. Introduction                              D. Main Idea

______58. Which language feature of academic writing contains fewer words that refer to the

writer or the reader?

                   A. Complexity                              B. Formality

                   C. Objectivity                               D. Precision

______59. In this particular language feature colloquial words and expressions, abbreviated

forms, two-word verb, subheadings, numbering, bullet points, and asking questions

should be AVOIDED:

                  A. Complexity                              B. Explicitness

                  C. Formality                                 D. Hedging

______60. This refers to providing a shortened version of the narrative.

                  A. Outlining                                 B. Paraphrasing

                  C. Precis Writing                         D. Summarizing

______61. What techniques in writing restates text-giving meaning in another form?

                  A. Outlining                                 B. Paraphrasing

                  C. Precis Writing                         D. Summarizing

______62. What techniques in writing organizes a material in a logical way into main ideas,

supporting ideas, and supporting details?

                  A. Outlining                                 B. Paraphrasing

                  C. Precis Writing                         D. Summarizing

______63. This is a brief, original summary of the important ideas given in a long selection.

                  A. Outlining                                 B. Paraphrasing

                  C. Precis Writing                         D. Summarizing

______64. Choose the BEST paraphrase of these sentences:

Rugby football is the most popular sport in New Zealand. Most villages, towns, and

districts have their own teams. (World Book Atlas page 212)

                 A. Rugby and football are the most popular sports in the area of New Zealand.

                      Every village, town, and district has teams

                 B. Of all sports played in New Zealand, rugby football is the most popular. Most

                      areas even have their own teams.

                 C. Most villages, districts, and towns in New Zealand love rugby football and

                      popular sports.

                 D. New Zealand sports include rugby football in most districts, villages, and towns.

______65. Which of the following statements about SUMMARIZING is true?

                  A. The Summary is specific, detailed information contained in the passage.

                  B. The Summary is always found in the first sentence of the passage.

                  C. The Summary is a thought that is true but is not in the passage.

                  D. The Summary is what the passage is mostly about.

______66. Which of the following is NOT true about a reaction paper?

                  A. It is purely made of opinions.

                  B. It conveys incisive insights into its analysis of events.

                  C. It may include the main purpose of the event.

                  D. It is mainly written to communicate a fair assessment.

______67. Which approach in criticism “examines how sexual identity influences the creation

and reception of literary works”?

                   A. Formalism                                               B. Feminism

                   C. Structuralism                                           D. Marxism

______68. Which of the following can be a form of a reaction paper?

                  A. Lyric Poem                                               B. Survey Report

                  C. Movie Review                                          D. Anecdotal Report

______69. What do a movie review and a book report have in common?

                  A. They are both forms of reaction papers.  C. They are both easy to make.

                  B. They are all about a movie.                      D. They are forms of reports.


______70. Which of the following is needed to make objective assessment?

                   A. Tradition                                                  B. Opinions

                   C. Reactions                                                D. Facts


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