SECOND QUARTER EXAM in Physical Education and Health
School Year 2022-2023
Name: _______________________________________ Date:____________________
Grade &Section:_______________________________ Score:___________________
General Directions: Read the following questions thoroughly and choose the correct answer from the given choices. Write legibly the LETTER of your correct answer on the blank provided before each number.
______1. A desirable level of fitness can be achieved by at least how many 20-30 minutes of walking per week?
A. 3 C. 5
B. 4 D. 6
______2. A long slow run taken from 1 – 2 hours.
A. Tempo Run C. Hell Repeats
B. Long Run D. Progression Run
______ 3. What will be improved by doing continuous running?
A. Flexibility C. Muscular endurance
B. Muscular strength D. Cardiorespiratory endurance 22
______4. Running in an uphill is called _______?
A. Fartlek C. Long Run
B. Hill Repeats D. Base Run
______5. Which of the following is not a positive outcome in a walking program?
A. Relieved stress C. increased risk of hypertension
B. Enhanced self-esteem D. improved physical appearance
______6. Shin pains are referred to______________________.
A. Sprains C. Leg pain and swelling
B. Back injury D. knee tightness and pain
______7. Which of the following is not a fitness benefit of walking exercise?
A. Reduces stress C. Reduces risk of heart attack
B. Enhances cardiovascular strength D. improves agility
______8. Participation in active recreation is everyone’s responsibility. Which of the following is the best reason for this?
A. To have a healthy lifestyle. C. To keep a physically fit and healthy body.
B. To maintain an ideal body weight. D. To have fun, enjoyment and socialization.
______9. While jogging, you accidentally fell down and got a sprain. What should you do first?
A. Lie down. C. Take ibuprofen.
B. Apply cold compress. D. Go to the doctor immediately.
______10. Walking, running and Zumba exercises will give you the following benefits, except:
A. It boosts your heart’s health. C. It helps you de-stress.
B. It makes you moody. D. It burns calories.
______11. Which of the following best describes brisk walking?
A. Running fast C. Walking on a quick pace
B. Walking in relax mode D. Running with walking
______12. The following are examples of moderate to vigorous exercises, except
A. Slow walking to fast walking C. Biking to weight lifting
B. Walking to jogging D. Stretching to playing basketball
______13. Which of the following will not improve your personal fitness program?
A. Exercising at moderate intensities
B. Starting slowly
C. Engaging in high-impact, weight-bearing activities
D. Making your program convenient
______14. The following are importance and benefits of warm-up exercises, except
A. It will increase your temperature.
B. It will prevent risk of injuries.
C. It will increase range of motion.
D. It will lower blood pressure.
______15. In running exercise, what fitness component is mostly required of you?
A. Agility C. Coordination
B. Strength D. Cardiovascular endurance
______16. Which is the best strategy for improving the flexibility of the body?
A. Perform different stretching exercises targeting multiple areas.
B. Perform stretching exercises in between strength-building exercise.
C. Perform the same exercise over and over until the target is reached.
D. Perform a set of routine exercises, targeting only one area of the body.
______17. Which is not a good body composition?
A. Improve muscle endurance
B. Increase range of motion
C. Increase range of movement
D. Weightlifting for muscles
______18. Which of the following exercises is best for improving muscular strength and
A. Bicycling C. Push-ups
B. Running D. Walking
______19. In which type of events do athlete race over short distances?
A. Hurdles C. Middle-distance
B. Long-distance D. Sprints
______20. Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump and Pole Vault are examples of what
event in Track and Field?
A. Hurdles C. Sprint
B. Jumps D. Throws
______21. The following are health-related fitness test. Which is for cardiovascular
A. 1-km run C. Squats
B. Push-ups D. Sit and Reach
______22. Rain is an athlete and she must leap over a number of barriers that is placed
at specific area around the track. What event is she in?
A. 100-m dash C. Relays
B. Hurdles D. Shotput
______23. Aleyra is an athlete that throws a heavy disc in attempt to mark a farther
distance than her competitors. What event is she in?
A. Discus Throw C. Long Jump
B. Javelin Throw D. Shot-put
______24. Which field event combines athletes’ speed, strength, and agility in attempt
to leap as far as possible from a take-off point.
A. Discus Throw C. Javelin Throw
B. Long Jump D. Triple Jump
______25. In which field event does an athlete use a flexible pole as an aid to jump
over a horizontal bar?
A. Discus Throw C. Pole Vault
B. Long Jump D. Triple Jump
______26. Kiel has been running five times a week with his track team to improve his
mile run time. Which health-related fitness components is he working on?
A. Cardiovascular Endurance C. Muscular Endurance
B. Flexibility D. Muscular Strength
______27. Which meter races are considered sprints?
A. 100, 200, 400 C. 150, 250, 350
B. 110, 210, 410 D. 200, 300, 500
______28. What is cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular
endurance, flexibility, and body composition components of?
A. Body Mass Index C. Health-Related Fitness
B. Flexibility D. Skill-Related Fitness
______29. Which skill enables one to become and stay physically healthy?
A. Body Mass Index C. Health-Related Fitness
B. Flexibility D. Skill-Related Fitness
______30. What term is used to describe running, throwing and jumping events?
A. Athletics C. Relays
B. Meeting D. Track and Field
______31. Performing different stretching exercises that are targeting the
multiple areas of the body is the best strategy for improving the _____.
A. Cardiovascular endurance C. Muscular endurance
B. Flexibility D. Muscular strength
______32. Good body composition includes _____.
A. increase range of motion C. weightlifting for muscles
B. increase range of movement D. All of the Above
______33. Push-ups are the best exercise when improving _____.
A. Cardiovascular endurance C. Body composition
B. Muscular strength and endurance D. Flexibility
______34. Sprint is a type of event where in the athlete runs over _____.
A. An obstacle C. Short distance
B. Long distance D. None of the Above
______35. Jumping events in athletics includes _____.
A. Hop, hog, walk
B. Discus throw, hammer throw, javelin throw
C. High jump, long jump, pole vault, triple jump
D. Hurdles, long distance, middle distance, relay, sprint
______36. The following are exercises to improve cardiovascular endurance.
Which does not belong to the group?
A. Power Walking C. Swimming
B. Running D. Weightlifting
______37. Mel wants to improve her cardiovascular endurance. What program
should she include in her training routine?
A. Aerobic Training C. Flexibility Training
B. Agility Training D. Strength Training
_____38. Which is the standard distance of hurdler race for men?
A. 80 and 100m C. 110 and 400m
B. 100 and 400m D. 150 and 250m
______39. Where did athletics originate?
A. Ancient Greece C. Britain
B. Ancient Rome D. Russia
______40. The following are the different events in athletics. Which of these is a
field event?
A. High Jump C. Shotput
B. Relay D. Triple Jump
______41. It is the amount of the muscle that can produce.
A. Muscular Endurance C. Power
B. Muscular Strength D. Speed
______42. 100, 200, 400m are considered _____.
A. Long distance C. Relay
B. Middle distance D. Sprints
______43. Lee wants to improve power. Which health-related component should
he focus on?
A. Cardiovascular Endurance C. Muscular Endurance
B. Flexibility D. Muscular Strength
______44. Health-related fitness refers to the _____.
A. Ability to do well in activities and sports.
B. Skills that enables one to become and stay physically healthy.
C. Ability of the muscles to perform against a force over an
extended period of time.
D. Maximum amount of force of the muscles that can produce in a
single effort.
______45. Chloe monitors her target heart rate. What part of fitness does she
A. Intensity for flexibility
B. Time for cardiovascular endurance
C. Frequency for muscular endurance
D. Intensity for cardiovascular endurance
______46.What country sweeps the gold medal in Arnis in the 2019 South East Asian
A. Indonesia C. Philippines
B. Malaysia D. Thailand
______47. Who approved the law of making Arnis as the National Sports of the Philippines?
A. President Benigno Aquino III C. President Gloria Arroyo
B. President Corazon Aquino D. President Rodrigo Duterte
______48. Who is the founder of Arnis in the Philippines?
A. Brandon Vera C. Miguel Zubiri
B. Manny Pacquiao D. Remy Presas
______49 What term is used to address the player of Arnis?
A. Arnisado C. Arnisan
B. Arnisador D. Arnis Mano
______50. What is the primary weapon used in Arnis made of?
A. Kamagong C. Narra
B. Kawayan D. Rattan
______51. What is the length of the stick used in Arnis?
A. 50 cm to 90 cm C. 70 cm to 90 cm
B. 60 cm to 90 cm D. 80 cm to 90 cm
______52. The playing area of Arnis is a square shape space and clear from
obstruction. What should be its measurement?
A.8.0 m X 8.0 m C.9.0 m X 9.0 m
B. 8.5 m X 8.5 m D. 9.5 m X 9.5 m
______53. Which is not a benefit of playing arnis?
A. Effective self defense
B. Develops flexibility and a slim body.
C. Arnis contributes to the development of physical fitness
D. Develops mental qualities such as alertness and precision.
______54. In Arnis the term Largo stands for long range. What does Corto stand for?
A. mMedium range C. Very long
B. Short D. Very short
______55. What is a skill in Arnis where in the Arnisador will form a weaving movement
using their stick?
A.Espada y Daga C.Pugay
B. Mano y mano D. Sinawali
______56. Which is a form of salutation or greetings between Arnisador?
A.Mano y mano C.Salamat
B. Pugay D. Walang anuman
______57. Which is not included in the different stances in Arnis?
A. Lunge stance C. Side stance
B. Oblique stance D. Straddle stance
______58. What is a combination of pre-arranged or choreographed striking, blocking
and body shifting techniques established goals that can be achieved in
a very short time?
A. Anyo C. Mano y Mano
B. Arnis D. Sagupaan
______59. Strike 4 is a strike to what area of the opponent?
A. To the center C.To the right knee
B. To the right chest D.To the right temple
______60. What is the 1st strike of the 12 striking point in Arnis?
A. Strike to the crown of the head
B. Strike to the left temple
C. Strike to the right eye
D. Strike to the shoulder
______61. Which is not included in the names Arnis have been known for in different
Filipino regional languages?
A. Eskrima C. Kali
B. Garote D. Sibat
______62. In what year was Arnis declaired as the national sports of the Philippines?
A. 2007 C. 2009
B. 2008 D. 2010
______63. Who is the chairman and president of the Arnis federation in the Philippines?
A. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo C. Miguel Zubiri
B. Manny Pacquiao D. Tito Sotto
______64. What does PEKAF, the governing body of Arnis in the Philippines stand for?
A. Philippine Eskrima Kali Arnis Federation
B. Philippine Eskrimahan Kali Arnis Federation
C. Philippine Eskrimahan Kali Arnisador Federation
D. Philippine Eskrima Kalihan Arnisador Federation
______65. Which refers to a pair of protective head gear to include an impact-worthy face
A. Face mask C. Mask
B. Head protector D. Mask protector
______66. Which term used in Arnis which means Grappling or Wrestling?
A. Anyo C. Laban
B. Dumog D. Sagupa
______67. Which is often referred to as empty hand, Kamao (knuckles) used in fighting?
A. Dagger C. Mano y mano
B. Duelo D. Sparing
______68. Which is a form of salutation or greeting between practitioners?
A. Anyo C. Kamusta
B. Duelo D. Pugay
______69. What is a combination of pre-arranged or choreographed striking, blocking
and body shifting techniques established goals that can be achieved in a very short
A. Anyo C. Man y Mano
B. Arnis D. Sagupaan
______70. Which one of the stances that mimics position when riding on a horse back?
A. Forward stance C. Side stance
B. Ready stance D. Straddle stance
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