National Achievement Test (NAT) Grade 12 Primer from the Bureau of Education
Prepared by: The Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA)
The Department of Education (DepEd) ensures the continuous improvement of its systems to provide all learners access to quality basic education. To assess the continuous improvement of teaching and learning processes, sound information and data on learning outcomes are needed as proxy indicators of system effectiveness and efficiency. In line with this, DepEd through the Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA) administers the National Achievement Test for Grade 12 (NAT G12).
The NAT G12 is part of the exit assessment per Section 3 of DepEd Order No. 55, s. 2016 titled,
“Policy Guidelines on the National Assessment of Student Learning for the K to 12 Basic Education
Program”. The results of this assessment shall be utilized to:
a. determine if learners are meeting the learning standards;
b. help provide information to improve instructional practices;
c. assess/evaluate effectiveness and efficiency of education service delivery using learning outcomes as indicators; and
d. provide empirical information as bases for curriculum, learning delivery, assessment and policy reviews, and policy formulation.
DepEd Order No. 55, s. 2016 laid the framework for all exit assessments which covers the target clientele, purpose, design, test administration procedures, and results utilization.
DepEd Order No. 29, s. 2017 titled, “Policy Guidelines on System Assessment in the K to 12 Basic Education Program,” decreed NAT G12 as part of DepEd’s internal system assessment which aims to generate reliable data for use in planning, monitoring, and evaluation cycles of the department. This directs all DepEd offices to organize advocacy activities that will lead to understanding and acceptance of, and support for participation in national and international large-scale assessments among teachers, administrative personnel, students, and education stakeholders.
The purpose of this NATG12 primer is to provide greater awareness to the DepEd field offices and schools on national assessments. This primer shall be used to facilitate school-based rapid assessment of learning gaps and to design regional, division, or school level interventions. It may aid schools in helping students prepare the needed student- and school-related data/information before the examination.
The dissemination of primers and conduct of information campaigns intend to ensure that the school-level and national-level assessments are aligned and to identify complementary quality standards beyond those covered by the national assessments for a holistic evaluation of education quality. In addition, the dissemination of the primers may provide information to parents and otherstakeholders for the appreciation of the role of assessment in the continuous improvement of the delivery of basic education services.
Further, this primer provides an overview of the test design, test administration, and data reporting and utilization. It also includes sample test items per learning area across the 21st Century Skills domains.
ALSO DOWNLOAD: National Achievement Test for Grade 12 (NAT) Reviewer | FREE PDF Download
National Achievement Test (NAT) Grade 12 Primer >>> DOWNLOAD
Source: BEA
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