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Updates on New Promotion Policy for Teachers

The House Committee on Basic Education recently held a hearing chaired by Cong. Roman Romulo, which was attended by the leaders of Teachers' Dignity Coalition (TDC) and National Head Teachers Association of the Philippines (NAHTAP), to discuss the Career Progression Bill. During the hearing, Benjo Basas, TDC Chairman, and Dino Busilig, Lead Convenor and Spokesperson of NaHTAP, expressed their opinions. 

However, the substitute version of the bill was not approved due to a lack of relevant data from DBM.

Here are some of the highlights of the said hearing:

1. This is a proposal of Congress, although there is already EO 174 that is just waiting for the IRR from DepEd, PRC, CSC, and DBM;

2. New positions will be up to Teacher VII and Master Teacher V;

3. The HT positions will remain, but they will be co-terminus (if they choose because it can also be retitling to MT depending on the SG level);

4. The entry-level of the teacher will be raised from SG-11 to SG-12;

5. The quota of the number of teachers in a department/school in the distribution of MT will be removed;

6. There will be a Comprehensive Performance Assessment for teachers that will be the basis for promoting teachers. Again, this is just a proposal from the Basic Education Committee of the House. If it is passed before the release of the IRR of EO 174, DepEd will have to adjust its content.

The conversation between the organizations will continue at Chairman Romulo's office until next Sunday.

Updates on New Promotion Policy for Teachers


This article was first published in Filipino by the Teachers' Dignity Coalition (TDC) on its Facebook Page.

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