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DLL QUARTER 3 WEEK 6 (MARCH 4-8, 2024) SY 2023-2024, FREE DOWNLOAD

Are you ready to take your teaching to the next level? 

Look no further as we have meticulously compiled all the DLLs you need from the First Quarter to the Fourth Quarter for SY 2023-2024. Whether you're a seasoned educator or a fresh face in the teaching field, these lesson logs are designed to help you plan and execute your lessons effectively. 

DepEd Trends is here to support all our dedicated teachers on their journey towards creating engaging and enriching learning experiences for their students. Let's strive for excellence together!

The Department of Education (DepEd) underscores the critical importance of well-prepared and meticulously planned lessons in ensuring the delivery of high-quality teaching and learning experiences within schools. This emphasis comes in light of the appeal to suspend the implementation of DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016, also known as the Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.

NOW AVAILABLE: Grade 1-6 DEAR, Values, Peace and Health Education Teaching Guide Catch-up Fridays MARCH 8, 2024

DepEd stresses that lesson planning is a fundamental skill that should have been honed during the pre-service training or undergraduate preparation of any professional teacher. A Daily Lesson Log (DLL) serves as a structured template encapsulating a week's worth of lessons in a convenient tabular form. 

Utilizing a DLL aids teachers in maintaining educational standards and facilitates efficient and effective lesson planning. These logs are primarily employed by teachers with at least one year of teaching experience, including those who may have previously taught in private schools or higher education institutions.

DLL QUARTER 3 WEEK 6 (MARCH 4-8, 2024) SY 2023-2024, FREE DOWNLOAD
 DLL QUARTER 3 WEEK 6 (MARCH 4-8, 2024) SY 2023-2024, FREE DOWNLOAD 

 DLL QUARTER 3 WEEK 6 (MARCH 4-8, 2024) SY 2023-2024, FREE DOWNLOAD 


Note: Some of the documents are still updating. Please do visit the site more often for more exclusive updates on the DLL based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)


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